Our company

The vineyards of the “Azienda Agricola Bergaglio Cinzia” are located in the municipalities of Tassarolo and Gavi.

The company has been making wine for several years and, by joining a European regulation, guarantees the ecological processing of the land. We use products with a low environmental impact and increasingly advanced machinery.

The objective of obtaining a quality product is pursued through a pruning with few shoots, green harvesting at the end of July and the particular attention we pay to pressing, which we carry out using a horizontal press with a soft pressing of the grapes.

Our agronomist is Dr. Daniele Eberle

Our oenologist is Dr. Andrea Buzio.

To all this we add our experience and little secrets passed on from generation to generation

Low environmental impact

We pay particular attention to respecting nature and the environmental impact of our activity. For us it is of primary importance to obtain quality grapes with the least possible use of chemical substances.

Our vineyards are fertilized with green manure: we cultivate among the rows of our grapes a mix of herbs and various vegetables that help to fertilize the soil without using chemical fertilizers.